1 - The discovery of America
What do you know about the discovery of America ? Do the following quiz :
2 - Christopher Columbus
Do you know enough to make your teacher walk the plank ? Play this game !!!
Play another game !!
When Columbus was a little boy,
He lived beside the sea.
He watched the ships sail in and out
And wished that he could be ______
A sailor, a sailor, to sail across the sea,
A sailor, a sailor, to skip before the breeze.
Long ago most people thought
The world was flat.....we know it's not.
Columbus said, "The world is round!"
That's how America was found.
(sung to tune of "Eensy-Weensey Spider")Columbus was a sailor who thought the world was round.
He asked for ships but many turned him down.
He went to ask the King and Queen of Spain,
And he told them of the gold and spices they would gain!
He had to wait six years for the king and queen to say,
"We'll give you ships so you can sail away."
It was the year of 1492
When Columbus sailed from Spain with his tough and able crew.
They sailed upon the ships out of sight of any land.
Things didn't go exactly as they'd planned.
They begged Columbus to turn and head for home.
But Columbus urged them onward across the sea and foam.
On October the 12th of 1492
A sailor sighted land and yelled to the crew!Columbus went ashore and claimed the land for Spain,He was thankful that his voyage had not been made in vain.
2 - Christopher Columbus
Do you know enough to make your teacher walk the plank ? Play this game !!!
Play another game !!
When Columbus was a little boy,
He lived beside the sea.
He watched the ships sail in and out
And wished that he could be ______
A sailor, a sailor, to sail across the sea,
A sailor, a sailor, to skip before the breeze.
Long ago most people thought
The world was flat.....we know it's not.
Columbus said, "The world is round!"
That's how America was found.
(sung to tune of "Eensy-Weensey Spider")Columbus was a sailor who thought the world was round.
He asked for ships but many turned him down.
He went to ask the King and Queen of Spain,
And he told them of the gold and spices they would gain!
He had to wait six years for the king and queen to say,
"We'll give you ships so you can sail away."
It was the year of 1492
When Columbus sailed from Spain with his tough and able crew.
They sailed upon the ships out of sight of any land.
Things didn't go exactly as they'd planned.
They begged Columbus to turn and head for home.
But Columbus urged them onward across the sea and foam.
On October the 12th of 1492
A sailor sighted land and yelled to the crew!Columbus went ashore and claimed the land for Spain,He was thankful that his voyage had not been made in vain.